Set a Custom Domain

Your course will live freely and indefinitely at the following link which will be automatically generated when you fork Course-in-a-Box:

If you’d prefer to share your course on a different website, you can set it up under a custom domain name. If you or your organization don’t already own the domain name where you want to host your course, you’ll need to buy one. Domains typically start at $10–15 per year. There are hundreds of services for this, many of which offer discounts or specialty domains. We recommend starting with namecheap or gandi.

Linking the Custom Domain

Once you’ve registered the domain, there are two steps needed to route it to your course: adding a CNAME and configuring your DNS record.

Remember that CNAME file you deleted when you first forked your course? Er, well, you’ll have to make that again in order to use a custom domain. In the main repository of your course, create a new file titled CNAME and paste your custom domain into the file.

Finally, you need to configure your new domain to point to your course on GitHub. For this, we recommend following GitHub’s official documentation.

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